work from GLEAN Artist in Residence , exhibition photos

nowhere to go, 2018

oak flooring, Domus magazines, milkpaint, tape, notebook paper, hardware


marry me to the sky, 2018

IKEA toddler’s bed, milkpaint, moving blanket, tent, sleeping bag, sheet, baby crib, paint, hardware


the dividing line (room divider), 2018

construction netting, pegboard, baby crib, pine, milkpaint, hardware

hook, line, and sink her, 2018

glass jars, netting, laminate flooring, bobbers, sinkers, hooks, dried flowers, electrical tape, notebook paper, cork, nails, string


drown out, 2018

table, marine converter box, milkpaint, white noise machine, hardware

wild and wilderness, 2018

shutters, Domos magazine, milkpaint, electrical tape

final frontier, 2018

folding table, map of Mars, notebook paper, paint, hardware


a tendency to float, 2018

IKEA chair set, life jacket, rope, strapping


progress, 2018

bunkbed ladder, baby crib, laminate flooring, milkpaint, hardware